KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1


This function is declared in the coresrv/syscalls.h file.

Retcode Call(Handle handle, const SMsgHdr *msgOut, SMsgHdr *msgIn);

This function sends an IPC request to the server process and locks the calling thread until an IPC response or error is received. This function is called by the client process.


  • handle is the client IPC handle of the utilized channel.
  • msgOut is the buffer containing the IPC request.
  • msgIn is the buffer for the IPC response.

Returned value:

  • rcOk means that the exchange of IPC messages was successfully completed.
  • rcInvalidArgument means that the IPC request and/or IPC response has an invalid structure.
  • rcSecurityDisallow means that the Kaspersky Security Module prohibits forwarding of the IPC request or IPC response.
  • rcNotConnected means that the server IPC handle of the channel was not found.

Other return codes are available.