KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Building a solution image

A KasperskyOS-based solution consists of system software (including the KasperskyOS kernel and Kaspersky Security Module) and application software integrated for operation within a software/hardware system.

For more details, refer to Structure and startup of the solution image.

System programs and application software

Programs are divided into two types according to their purpose:

  • System programs create the infrastructure for application software. For example, they facilitate hardware operations, support the IPC mechanism, and implement file systems and network protocols. System programs are included in KasperskyOS Community Edition. If necessary, you can develop your own system programs.
  • Application software is designed for interaction with a solution user and for performing user tasks. Application software is not included in KasperskyOS Community Edition.

Building programs during the solution build process

During a solution build, programs are divided into the following two types:

  • System programs provided as executable files in KasperskyOS Community Edition.
  • System programs or application software that requires linking to an executable file.

Programs that require linking are divided into the following types:

  • System programs that implement an IPC interface whose ready-to-use transport libraries are provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition.
  • Application software that implements its own IPC interface. To build this software, transport methods and types need to be generated by using the NK compiler.
  • Client programs that do not provide endpoints.

Building a solution image

KasperskyOS Community Edition provides an image of the KasperskyOS kernel and the executable files of some system programs and driver applications that are ready to use in a solution.

A specialized Einit program intended for starting all other programs, and a Kaspersky Security Module are built for each specific solution and are therefore not already provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition. Instead, the toolchain provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition includes the tools for building these resources.

The general step-by-step build scenario is described in the article titled Build process overview. A solution image can be built as follows:

  • [Recommended] Using scripts of the CMake build system, which is provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition.
  • Without CMake: using other automated build systems or manually with scripts and compilers provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition.