KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

StaticMap security model

The StaticMap security model lets you associate resources with two-dimensional "key–value" tables, read and modify the values of keys. For example, a process of the driver can be associated with the MMIO memory region that this driver is allowed to use. This will require two keys whose values define the starting address and the size of the MMIO memory region. This association can be used to check whether the driver can query the MMIO memory region that it is attempting to access.

Keys in the table have the same type but are unique and immutable. The values of keys in the table have the same type.

There are two simultaneous instances of the table: base instance and working instance. Both instances are initialized by the same data. Changes are made first to the working instance and then can be added to the base instance, or vice versa: the working instance can be changed by using previous values from the base instance. The values of keys can be read from the base instance or working instance of the table.

A PSL file containing a description of the StaticMap security model is located in the KasperskyOS SDK at the following path:


In this section

StaticMap security model object

StaticMap security model init rule

StaticMap security model fini rule

StaticMap security model set rule

StaticMap security model commit rule

StaticMap security model rollback rule

StaticMap security model get expression

StaticMap security model get_uncommited expression