KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Writing a custom VFS backend

This example shows how to change the logic for handling file calls using a special VFS backend.

Let's examine a solution that includes the Client, VfsFirst and VfsSecond processes. Let's assume that the Client process is connected to VfsFirst and VfsSecond using IPC channels.

Our task is to ensure that queries from the Client process to the fat32 file system are handled by the VfsFirst process, and queries to the ext4 file system are handled by the VfsSecond process. To accomplish this task, we can use the VFS backend mechanism and will not even need to change the code of the Client program.

We will write a custom backend named custom_client, which will send calls via the VFS1 or VFS2 channel depending on whether or not the file path begins with /mnt1. To send calls, custom_client will use the standard backends of the client. In other words, it will act as a proxy backend.

We use the -l argument to mount fat32 to the /mnt1 directory for the VfsFirst process and mount ext4 to /mnt2 for the VfsSecond process. (It is assumed that VfsFirst contains a fat32 implementation and VfsSecond contains an ext4 implementation.) We use the _VFS_FILESYSTEM_BACKEND environment variable to define the backends (custom_client and server) and IPC channels (VFS1 and VFS2) to be used by the processes.

Then we use the init description to define the names of the IPC channels: VFS1 and VFS2.

This is examined in more detail below:

  1. Code of the custom_client backend.
  2. Linking of the Client program and the custom_client backend.
  3. Env program code.
  4. Init description.

Writing a custom_client backend

This file contains an implementation of the proxy custom backend that relays calls to one of the two standard client backends. The backend selection logic depends on the utilized path or on the file handle and is managed by additional data structures.


#include <vfs/vfs.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <platform/compiler.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <getopt.h>

#include <assert.h>

/* Code for managing file handles. */

#define MAX_FDS 50

struct entry


Handle handle;

bool is_vfat;


struct fd_array


struct entry entries[MAX_FDS];

int pos;

pthread_rwlock_t lock;


struct fd_array fds = { .pos = 0, .lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER };

int insert_entry(Handle fd, bool is_vfat)



if (fds.pos == MAX_FDS)



return -1;


fds.entries[fds.pos].handle = fd;

fds.entries[fds.pos].is_vfat = is_vfat;



return 0;


struct entry *find_entry(Handle fd)



for (int i = 0; i < fds.pos; i++)


if (fds.entries[i].handle == fd)



return &fds.entries[i];




return NULL;


/* Custom backend structure. */

struct context


struct vfs wrapper;

pthread_rwlock_t lock;

struct vfs *vfs_vfat;

struct vfs *vfs_ext4;


struct context ctx =


.wrapper =


.dtor = _vfs_backend_dtor,

.disconnect_all_clients = _disconnect_all_clients,

.getstdin = _getstdin,

.getstdout = _getstdout,

.getstderr = _getstderr,

.open = _open,

.read = _read,

.write = _write,

.close = _close,



/* Implementation of custom backend methods. */

static bool is_vfs_vfat_path(const char *path)


char vfat_path[5] = "/mnt1";

if (memcmp(vfat_path, path, sizeof(vfat_path)) != 0)

return false;

return true;


static void _vfs_backend_dtor(struct vfs *vfs)





static void _disconnect_all_clients(struct vfs *self, int *error)




ctx.vfs_vfat->disconnect_all_clients(ctx.vfs_vfat, error);

ctx.vfs_ext4->disconnect_all_clients(ctx.vfs_ext4, error);


static Handle _getstdin(struct vfs *self, int *error)



Handle handle = ctx.vfs_vfat->getstdin(ctx.vfs_vfat, error);

if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)


if (insert_entry(handle, true))


*error = ENOMEM;




return handle;


static Handle _getstdout(struct vfs *self, int *error)



Handle handle = ctx.vfs_vfat->getstdout(ctx.vfs_vfat, error);

if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)


if (insert_entry(handle, true))


*error = ENOMEM;




return handle;


static Handle _getstderr(struct vfs *self, int *error)



Handle handle = ctx.vfs_vfat->getstderr(ctx.vfs_vfat, error);

if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)


if (insert_entry(handle, true))


*error = ENOMEM;




return handle;


static Handle _open(struct vfs *self, const char *path, int oflag, mode_t mode, int *error)



Handle handle;

bool is_vfat = false;

if (is_vfs_vfat_path(path))


handle = ctx.vfs_vfat->open(ctx.vfs_vfat, path, oflag, mode, error);

is_vfat = true;



handle = ctx.vfs_ext4->open(ctx.vfs_ext4, path, oflag, mode, error);

if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE)


if (insert_entry(handle, is_vfat))


if (is_vfat)

ctx.vfs_vfat->close(ctx.vfs_vfat, handle, error);

*error = ENOMEM;



return handle;


static ssize_t _read(struct vfs *self, Handle fd, void *buf, size_t count, bool *nodata, int *error)



struct entry *found_entry = find_entry(fd);

if (found_entry != NULL && found_entry->is_vfat)

return ctx.vfs_vfat->read(ctx.vfs_vfat, fd, buf, count, nodata, error);

return ctx.vfs_ext4->read(ctx.vfs_ext4, fd, buf, count, nodata, error);


static ssize_t _write(struct vfs *self, Handle fd, const void *buf, size_t count, int *error)



struct entry *found_entry = find_entry(fd);

if (found_entry != NULL && found_entry->is_vfat)

return ctx.vfs_vfat->write(ctx.vfs_vfat, fd, buf, count, error);

return ctx.vfs_ext4->write(ctx.vfs_ext4, fd, buf, count, error);


static int _close(struct vfs *self, Handle fd, int *error)



struct entry *found_entry = find_entry(fd);

if (found_entry != NULL && found_entry->is_vfat)

return ctx.vfs_vfat->close(ctx.vfs_vfat, fd, error);

return ctx.vfs_ext4->close(ctx.vfs_ext4, fd, error);


/* Custom backend builder. ctx.vfs_vfat and ctx.vfs_ext4 are initialized

* as standard backends named "client". */

static struct vfs *_vfs_backend_create(Handle client_id, const char *config, int *error)



ctx.vfs_vfat = _vfs_init("client", client_id, "VFS1", error);

assert(ctx.vfs_vfat != NULL && "Can't initialize client backend!");

assert(ctx.vfs_vfat->dtor != NULL && "VFS FS backend has not set the destructor!");

ctx.vfs_ext4 = _vfs_init("client", client_id, "VFS2", error);

assert(ctx.vfs_ext4 != NULL && "Can't initialize client backend!");

assert(ctx.vfs_ext4->dtor != NULL && "VFS FS backend has not set the destructor!");

return &ctx.wrapper;


/* Registration of the custom backend under the name custom_client. */

static void _vfs_backend(create_vfs_backend_t *ctor, const char **name)


*ctor = &_vfs_backend_create;

*name = "custom_client";



Linking of the Client program and the custom_client backend

Compile the written backend into a library:


add_library (backend_client STATIC "src/backend.c")

Link the prepared backend_client library to the Client program:

CMakeLists.txt (fragment)

add_dependencies (Client vfs_backend_client backend_client)

target_link_libraries (Client



"-Wl,--whole-archive" backend_client "-Wl,--no-whole-archive" backend_client


Writing the Env program

We use the Env program to pass arguments and environment variables to processes.


#include <env/env.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)


/* Mount fat32 to /mnt1 for the VfsFirst process and mount ext4 to /mnt2 for the VfsSecond process. */

const char* VfsFirstArgs[] = {

"-l", "ahci0 /mnt1 fat32 0"


ENV_REGISTER_ARGS("VfsFirst", VfsFirstArgs);

const char* VfsSecondArgs[] = {

"-l", "ahci1 /mnt2 ext4 0"


ENV_REGISTER_ARGS("VfsSecond", VfsSecondArgs);

/* Define the file backends. */

const char* vfs_first_args[] = { "_VFS_FILESYSTEM_BACKEND=server:VFS1" };

ENV_REGISTER_VARS("VfsFirst", vfs_first_args);

const char* vfs_second_args[] = { "_VFS_FILESYSTEM_BACKEND=server:VFS2" };

ENV_REGISTER_VARS("VfsSecond", vfs_second_args);

const char* client_fs_envs[] = { "_VFS_FILESYSTEM_BACKEND=custom_client:VFS1,VFS2" };

ENV_REGISTER_VARS("Client", client_fs_envs);




Editing init.yaml

For the IPC channels that connect the Client process to the VfsFirst and VfsSecond processes, you must define the same names that you specified in the _VFS_FILESYSTEM_BACKEND environment variable: VFS1 and VFS2.



- name: vfs_backend.Env

- name: vfs_backend.Client


- target: vfs_backend.Env

id: {var: ENV_SERVICE_NAME, include: env/env.h}

- target: vfs_backend.VfsFirst

id: VFS1

- target: vfs_backend.VfsSecond

id: VFS2

- name: vfs_backend.VfsFirst


- target: vfs_backend.Env

id: {var: ENV_SERVICE_NAME, include: env/env.h}

- name: vfs_backend.VfsSecond


- target: vfs_backend.Env

id: {var: ENV_SERVICE_NAME, include: env/env.h}