KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1


The EntityInfo structure describing the process is declared in the file named if_connection.h.

typedef struct EntityInfo {

/* process class name */

const char *eiid;

/* maximum number of endpoints */

nk_iid_t max_endpoints;

/* information about the process endpoints */

const EndpointInfo *endpoints;

/* arguments to be passed to the process when it is started */

const char *args[ENTITY_ARGS_MAX + 1];

/* environment variables to be passed to the process when it is started */

const char *envs[ENTITY_ENV_MAX + 1];

/* process flags */

EntityFlags flags;

/* process components tree */

const struct nk_component_node *componentTree;

} EntityInfo;

typedef struct EndpointInfo {

char *name; /* fully qualified name of the endpoint */

nk_iid_t riid; /* endpoint ID */

char *iface_name; /* name of the interface implemented by the endpoint */

} EndpointInfo;

typedef enum {


/* the process is reset if an unhandled exception occurs */


} EntityFlags;