Policy Decision Point pattern


The Policy Decision Point pattern encapsulates the computation of decisions based on security model methods into a separate system component that ensures that these security methods are performed in their full scope and correct sequence.

Alternate names

Check Point, Access Decision Function.


The system has functions with different levels of privileges, and the security policy is complex (contains many security model methods bound to security events).


If security policy checks are divided among different system components, the following issues arise:


All verifications of security policy compliance are conducted in a separate component called a Policy Decision Point (PDP). This component is responsible for ensuring that verifications are conducted in their correct sequence and scope. Policy checks are separated from the code that implements the business logic.




Implementation recommendations

Implementations must take into account the problem of "Verification time vs. Usage time". For example, if a security policy depends on the quickly changing status of a specific system object, a computed decision loses its relevance as quickly as the status changes. In a system that utilizes the Policy Decision Point pattern, you must take care to minimize the time interval between the access decision and the time when the request based on this decision is fulfilled.

Specialized implementation in KasperskyOS

The KasperskyOS kernel guarantees isolation of processes and serves as a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP).

Control of interaction between processes in KasperskyOS is delegated to the Kaspersky Security Module. This module analyzes each sent request and response and decides whether to allow or deny delivery based on the defined security policy. Therefore, the Kaspersky Security Module performs the role of the Policy Decision Point (PDP).


This pattern lets you configure a security policy without making any modifications to the code that implements the business logic, and delegate system support involving information security.

Linked patterns

Use of the Policy Decision Point pattern involves use of the Distrustful Decomposition and Defer to Kernel patterns.

Implementation examples

Example of a Policy Decision Point pattern implementation: Defer to Kernel example.

Sources of information

The Policy Decision Point pattern is described in detail in the following resources:

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