KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1


This function is declared in the file coresrv/handle/notice_api.h.

Retcode KnNoticeGetEvent(Notice notice,

rtl_uint64_t msec,

rtl_size_t countMax,

EventDesc *events,

rtl_size_t *count);

This function extracts notifications from the notice notification receiver while waiting for events to occur within the specific number of milliseconds (msec).

Input parameter countMax defines the maximum number of notifications that can be extracted.

Output parameter events contains a set of extracted notifications of the EventDesc type.

Output parameter count contains the number of notifications that were extracted.

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.


const int maxEventsPerNoticeCall = 10;

Retcode rc;

EventDesc events[maxEventsPerNoticeCall];

rtl_size_t eventCount;

rc = KnNoticeGetEvent(notice, INFINITE_TIMEOUT, rtl_countof(events),

&events[0], &eventCount);