KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

barcode_scanner example

This example demonstrates use of a USB (Universal Serial Bus) driver in KasperskyOS using the libevdev library.

In this example, the BarcodeScanner program uses the libevdev library for interaction with a barcode scanner connected to the USB port of Raspberry Pi.

The program waits for signals from the barcode scanner and prints the obtained data to stderr.

The CMake system, which is included with KasperskyOS Community Edition, is used to build and run the example.

Example files

The code of the example and build scripts are available at the following path:


Building and running example

This example is intended to run only on Raspberry Pi. For the example to work correctly, you must connect a barcode scanner running in keyboard emulation mode (such as Zebra Symbol LS2208) to the USB port.

See Building and running examples section.