Managing application tasks

July 4, 2024

ID 170731

Tasks of Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server implement portions of program functionality. For instance, the Anti-Virus database update task UpdaterAVS (hereinafter also "Anti-Virus database update task") and the Anti-Spam database update task UpdaterASP (hereinafter also "Anti-Spam database update task") download and install Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam database updates. The scheduled report generation tasks DailyReport, WeeklyReport, and MonthlyReport generate program reports for a day, week, and month. The Notifier task forms notifications about events occurring during the operation of the program.

Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server includes the following tasks:

  • Auth (ID=1).
  • Backup (ID=2).
  • ScanLogic (ID=3).
  • Facade (ID=4).
  • AvServer (ID=5).
  • AspServer (ID=6).
  • EventManager (ID=7).
  • Licenser (ID=8).
  • Notifier (ID=9).
  • Statistics (ID=10).
  • Updater (ID=11).
  • AspMoebius (ID=13).
  • AspQuarantine (ID=14).
  • SmtpSender (ID=15).
  • Snmp (ID=16).
  • DailyReport (ID=17).
  • WeeklyReport (ID=18).
  • MonthlyReport (ID=19).
  • EventLogger (ID=20).
  • ScanServer (ID=21).
  • KLRDS (ID=22).
  • Ksn (ID=23).

Most of them are system tasks not to be configured by the administrator.

Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server tasks may have one of the following execution statuses:

  • Started – a running task.
  • Starting – a task being launched.
  • Stopped – a task that has stopped.
  • Failed – a task that has ended with an error.

In this Help section

Viewing the list of program tasks

Setting the number of scanning streams

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