Manual Integration with QMail server

July 4, 2024

ID 56887

The QMail server does not support the integration of extensions. To integrate Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server with QMail server manually, replace the original executable file with the /opt/kaspersky/klms/lib/bin/kavklms-qmail (under Linux) or /usr/local/libexec/kaspersky/klms/klms-qmail (under FreeBSD) queue file supplied with Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server. This file supports message filtering and transmits messages back to the original qmail-queue file for subsequent delivery. Rename the original qmail-queue file to qmail-queue-real.

Messages are sent for scanning before insertion in the mail queue (before-queue filtering).

To integrate Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server with QMail manually:

  1. Specify /var/qmail/bin/sendmail as the senmail-path parameter’s value in the [global] section of the klms_filters.conf file.
  2. Copy the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue file to the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-real folder using the following command:

    #cp –fp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-real

  3. Copy the filter file from the Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server distribution kit to the qmail folder using the following command:
    • for Linux:

      #cp -fp /opt/kaspersky/klms/libexec/qmail-queue /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue

    • for FreeBSD:

      #cp -fp /usr/local/libexec/kaspersky/klms/qmail-queue /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue

  4. Set the following access rights for the qmail-queue and qmail-queue-real files:

    # ls -la /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue*

    -rws--s--x 1 qmaild klusers 2287242 Feb 19 20:53 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue

    -rws--x--x 1 qmailq qmail 19288 June 27 2013 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-real

  5. In the filter settings file klms_filter.conf, go to the [global] section and make sure that the header-guard setting has its value set to true.
  6. Restart the Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server:

    service klms restart

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