Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Linux

Scan request

July 3, 2024

ID 213875


Scan of the object specified in the request body.

The following objects can be scanned:




The optional wait setting specifies the type of the scan session.

If the setting value is 1, synchronous scan is performed and the application sends a report when scan finishes.

If the setting value is 0, asynchronous scan is performed, and the response is as follows:






  • id – unique identifier of the scan session.
  • location – path for requesting information on this section: http://<server>:<port>/scans/<location>.

Request headers

The request can contain the following headers:

  • Content-Type

    Defines the type of the object submitted for scan.

    Supported values:

    • application/octet-stream – one file
    • multipart/form-data – multiple files
    • text/plain – one or multiple Docker images located in a specific repository
    • application/json – one or multiple Docker images located in a specific repository with additional settings
  • x-api-key (optional)

    API key specified in the KRAS4D_XAPIKEY environment variable or the xapikey variable in the configuration file.

Possible errors

If an unsupported value is specified in the Content-Type header, the application returns the following error:




"details"="<content type>",

"message"="Not supported Content-Type"




In this section

Scan file request

Request to scan multiple files

Request to scan Docker images

Request to scan Docker images with additional settings

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