Viewing information about a traffic processing rule
To view information about a traffic processing rule:
- In the application web interface window, select one of the following sections:
- For actions with rules of an individual workspace, in the section used for switching between workspaces, select the name of this workspace.
- For actions with rules applied in all workspaces, select Global in the section used for switching between workspaces.
Applicable only if you have access rights to multiple workspaces.
- Select the Rules section.
- Select one of the following tabs:
- Bypass.
- Access.
- Protection.
The traffic processing rules table opens.
- Select the traffic processing rule for which you want to view information.
This opens a window containing information about the rule.
The window includes the following tabs:
- General settings.
Common settings of the traffic processing rule:
- Status refers to the use of a traffic processing rule during a scan of web resources.
- Action is the action performed by the traffic processing rule.
- Rule name is the name of the traffic processing rule.
- Comment is the comment for the traffic processing rule.
- Exclusions.
Information about each exclusion from the traffic processing rule is displayed in a separate group of settings named Exclusion:
- Initiator is the initiator of the connection.
- Traffic filter is the traffic filter.
- Schedule.
Schedule of the traffic processing rule. Displays the disabling date for the rule and also the days of the week and periods when the rule is active.
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