Removing the application

To remove the application:

  1. Delete the installation package. To do so, perform the following actions depending on the utilized operating system:
    • CentOS, ALT Server, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

      Run the following command:

      rpm -e kwts

    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:
      1. Run the following command:

        rpm -e kwts

      2. Confirm package deletion. To do so, type Y and press ENTER.
    • Ubuntu or Debian.

      Run the following command:

      dpkg -r kwts

  2. Run the script for deleting all files and folders of the application:


    A confirmation prompt is displayed.

  3. Type yes and press ENTER.
  4. If you use Ubuntu or Debian, run the following command:

    dpkg -P kwts

The application will be removed.

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