Third-party programs can access data sent over SNMP or replace those data with their own data. To ensure secure communication over SNMP, we recommend to configure encryption of SNMP connections.
Prior to configuration, make sure that the snmpd and snmptrapd services are installed on all servers that have Kaspersky Web Traffic Security installed.
To configure encryption of SNMP connections:
view systemview included .1
snmpget -v2c -cpublic localhost SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineID.0 2>/dev/null | sed -ne 's/ //g; s/.*:/0x/p'
service snmpd stop
net-snmp-create-v3-user -ro -a SHA -A <password> -x <password> -X AES kwts-snmp-user
# accept KWTS statistics over unix socket
agentXSocket unix:/var/run/agentx-master.socket
agentXPerms 770 770 kluser klusers
master agentx
# accept incoming SNMP requests over UDP and TCP
agentAddress udp:localhost:161,tcp:localhost:161
rouser kwts-snmp-user priv .
# comment the following line if you don't need SNMP traps forwarding over SNMPv3 connection
trapsess -e <EngineID> -v3 -l authPriv -u kwts-snmp-user -a SHA -A <password> -x AES -X <password> udp:localhost:162
mibdirs +/opt/kaspersky/kwts/share/snmp-mibs/
mibs all
service snmpd start
snmpwalk -mALL -v3 -l authPriv -u kwts-snmp-user -a SHA -A <password> -x AES -X <password> udp:localhost:161 .
snmpget -v3 -l authPriv -u kwts-snmp-user -a SHA -A <password> -x AES -X <password> udp:localhost:161 .
service snmptrapd stop
If a configuration file does not exist in the specified directory, create it.
createUser -e <EngineID> kwts-snmp-user SHA "<password>" AES "<password>"
snmpTrapdAddr udp:<IP-address>:162,tcp:
authUser log kwts-snmp-user priv
disableAuthorization no
As the <IP-address>
, specify the IP address that is used by the snmptrapd service to receive network connections.
service snmptrapd start
snmptrap -e <EngineID> -v3 -l authPriv -u kwts-snmp-user -a SHA -A <password> -x AES -X <password> udp:localhost:162 0 .
Encryption of SNMP connections is configured.
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