Renewing subscription
October 23, 2024
ID 101185
When you use the application under subscription, Kaspersky Security contacts Kaspersky activation servers at specific intervals until your subscription expires.
If you use the application under unlimited subscription, Kaspersky Security checks Kaspersky activation servers for a renewed key in background mode and, if it is available, adds it by replacing the previous key. In this way, unlimited subscription for Kaspersky Security is renewed without user involvement.
When your subscription expires, Kaspersky Security sends the relevant information to the Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center and stops attempting to renew the subscription automatically. Kaspersky Security stops updating the application databases and stops using the Kaspersky Security Network.
You can renew your subscription by contacting the vendor that sold you Kaspersky Security.
After renewing subscription, you have to restart the application activation task that you created to activate the application under subscription.